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Submission Guidelines

Articles which do not conform to these guidelines or in pdf will not be published in the II CIVIP Annals.


Article formatting general guidelines

Your article should be in .doc (Word), Times New Roman 12; justified; simple spacing (1,0 cm); superior and inferior margins (2,5 cm) and right and left margins (2.5 cm). 


Title  (and subtitle, in case there is one)

In capitalized Times New Roman 14, in bold type, on the first line of the page. In case there is a subtitle, the guidelines remain the same, except for the indication of use of the bold type.

Author’s (Authors’) name(s) and surname(s)

On the second line below the title (subtitle), insert the author’s (authors’) name(s) and capitalized surname(s) on the right (Name SURNAME), each followed by the abbreviation of both Institutional affiliation and country – (INSTITUTION/COUNTRY); on the following line, in Times New Roman 10, insert the author’s corresponding e-mail.

Abstract text

On the third  line below the (last) author’s data, the text must include a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words  justified, and an initial paragraph indentation (1,25 cm), and exclude figures and graphics, as well as bibliography.  In case there are any citations in the abstract text, use the author’s surname in capital letters, followed by a comma and year of publication in parentheses)


Key words

On the second line below the abstract text, in bold type, indicate 4 key words, separated by semicolon, and a period at the end; capitalizing the initial letter of each word.

Article text

Beginning on the third line below the Key words, the article must be 10 to 15-page long, justified with initial paragraph indentation (1,25 cm). It may include figures and graphics, as well direct and indirect citations.


Simple spacing must be used between lines and paragraphs, whereas double spacing must separate different parts, tables, illustrations etc.


Special indentation

The special indentation should occur only in the first line of each paragraph (1.25 cm).


Direct quotes

With up to 3 lines: marked with quotation marks in the body of the text; with more than 3 lines: justified and indented in 4 cm, without quotation marks, in Times New Roman 10.


Section titles

Primary: Centralized, in bold type, in uppercase letters, numbered as 1, 2, 3 ..., in Times New Roman 12 - introduction, development, completion, notes, and references follow the same pattern.

Secondary: Centralized, in uppercase letters, numbered as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ..., in Times New Roman 12.

Tertiary:  Centralized, in bold type, in lowercase letters; numbered as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 ..., in Times New Roman 12.



Information on the works consulted should follow the Standards for the Preparation of Bibliographical References – NBR 6023/2002 – set by ABNT.

Note: When necessary, the title of the works listed must be highlighted in bold.

As informações acerca das obras consultadas devem ser padronizadas de acordo com a Norma para Elaboração de Referências Bibliográficas – NBR 6023/2002 – estabelecida pela ABNT. 

Note: Quando necessário, o título das obras relacionadas deve ser destacado em negrito.


Page configuration

Margins: 2,5 cm (on all sides)

Orientation: Picture

Size: A4.


Number of pages

A minimum of ten and a maximum of fifteen pages.


In order to fill in any remaining gaps, please consult the ABNT Standards in force.


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 Guidelines for Article Publication 

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